Parachurch Ministries 2012
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Worship Thoughts! Leonard Ravenhill says it this way - "Prayer is preoccupation with our needs. Praise is preoccupation with our blessings, Worship is preoccupation with God himself." Worship is.....  Touching God with your heart. That may look differently, outwardly. Some may wave banners or clap. Some may just sit and cry. There is no right or wrong way to express your heart to God. It is the connecting and expressing that is so vital. The Church altar should be like an airport lobby where you can meet and embrace the presence of God with complete abandoment. Heaven has windows and doors and worship is a key that can open them. The ultimate goal of our worship is transfiguration. What is Parachrch anyway? The prefix "para" is a Greek word meaning "beside", “along side” or "near".  A parachurch organization, then, is one that works beside, comes along side or is in concert with the local church. Just as the Holy Spirit in the greek is called the  Paraclete wich means “one called alongside to help”; a comforter and advocate; one who encourages, strengthens, consoles, enables, protects, defends, intercedes, etc. So then a Parachurch Ministry is one that comes alongside the local church to help. Not to compete with it but rather to advance the Kingdom of God and help the local church.  
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